In all things God works for good, and God works good in all things
'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8v28 (NIV)
There is no purpose in suffering – It’s pointless! All suffering does is bring misery, pain and sorrow. It achieves nothing. It accomplishes nothing. Suffering is a curse. Perhaps that's how you feel about our current crisis, there is nothing good about COVID-19! However, there is another way to view our struggles and troubles. God says that in the struggles and troubles of life, 'in all things God works for the good of those who love him'. This world did not come about by random events nor is it left to blind chance. This world is in the hands of a good and loving God, who, like a grand designer, weaves every event and circumstance in our life for good purposes.
First, In all things God works for good: 'in all things' - When cancer strikes; When depression weighs us down; When a virus spreads; When circumstances overwhelm us - in all things, in every suffering of life, God works for our good. That does not mean 'the suffering' itself is good, rather all suffering in the hands of God is used for good purposes. When disease, destruction and death come we can trust that God has all things in his sovereign hands and he will work good purposes in us and through us.
Second, God works for the good of those who love him: The good that God brings about is not a promise for everyone, but for those 'who love him'. This 'love' is a desire for God, a longing to please God, not a standard that we should reach. In all things, all of the time, God works for good, whether our love is intense or low. However, we can only 'love God', because we 'have been called according to his purpose.' That is, God loved us through his Son Jesus Christ and called us into a relationship with him. We love God because he first loved us.
So God promises to work good purposes in the lives of those who love him.
Thank you God, that you are a good and loving Father who controls all things in this wold and in our lives. Thank you that you use the most difficult and hard things in our life for good purposes. Please help me to better grasp and experience your deep love for me, so that I will love you more deeply.